Volleyball Specific Performance Training

Volleyball Specific Performance Training 

 In Season Training:


There are many philosophies on in-season volleyball performance training. Some performance specialists believe that general training will carry over with proper sport specific adaptation. Others believe that maximal strength work will result in higher vertical jump outcomes. Some believe that minimal performance progress and goals can be achieved during the season. 

At Elite Speed, we find the listed philosophies to be faulty in their execution and redundant. Elite level, in-season volleyball performance training utilizes benefits of neurological transference and adaptation to incorporate plyometrics, strength, movement preparation, and volleyball specific movement outcomes.  This achieves increases in vertical jump height, movement quality, movement power, and position specific adaptation.



Primary Goals of Program:

Elite Speed focuses on a  few specific goals when developing an in-season volleyball training program. Here is a list of the primary things that need to be addressed:

  1. Prepare the athlete for success in competition
  2. Ensure proper sport specific volleyball movement mechanics unique to each position 
  3. Improve sport specific vertical jump improvement application 
  4. Prevent or minimize effects of  overtraining
  5. Address injury prevention and biomechanical imbalances 

In Season Training Session Periodization 


By combining advanced principles of neurological transference, Elite Speed has tremendous success rapidly improving neuromuscular movement mechanic function, efficiency, power, vertical jump height and match specific transference.

Below is an example of proper neurological methodology utilized by different positions throughout a team training session at Elite: 

Outside Hitter 

  1. Lying ES Warm Up series focusing on activation, mobility, and release of any overactive musculature.
  2. Posterior Chain Specific Movement Preparation to prepare the Hitter for proper jumping musculature firing patterns
  3. Strength based work on the posterior chain musculature 
  4. Plyometric progressions based on static, dynamic, eccentric and triphasic plyometric progressions
  5. Sport specific approach and pre-programmed spacing movement specific work
  6. Reactive based slide, approach, conditioning based volleyball specific movement application 

DS | Libero 

  1. Lying ES Warm Up series focusing on activation, mobility, and release of any overactive musculature
  2. Glute Med & External Rotator  Specific Movement Preparation to prepare the Mover  for proper movement based  musculature firing patterns.
  3. Strength based work on the lateral strength musculature (glute, adductor, abductor complexes) 
  4. Plyometric progressions based on movement application to  static, dynamic, eccentric, and triphasic plyometric progressions.
  5. Sport specific approach and pre-programmed spacing lateral and cross over step movement specific work
  6. Reactive based shuffles, first step reactive, conditioning based volleyball specific movement application 


Best Practices for Utilizing In Season Team Training

  • Perform an Individual Performance Assessment alongside your team training to ensure complete and proper individualization to maximize transference to sport.
  • Conduct recommended testing to gather analytics on your outcomes of speed vertical, mobility and power. 
  • Perform all additional training and periodizations as recommended by your Performance Specialist. 
  • Review inputs and outputs consistently with your Performance Specialist to ensure adequate progression.
  • Conduct recommended post-season testing and off season planning to ensure proper carry over to future training and seasons. 

For the best fitness center in Colorado, check out The Elite Performance Center at eliteperformcenter.com